April 2022 - The Space Sustainability Rating (SSR) initiative is unveiled, for commencement of operations scheduled for June 2022.

The SSR provides a rating and certification system informed by comprehensive, transparent, data-based assessments, as well as actionable guidance to improve sustainability performance. Participating space operators will be rewarded with a recognised rating badge based on the outcome of a six modules assessment, increasing transparency without disclosing sensitive mission data or proprietary information.

Developed in the last three years by a consortium spearheaded by the EPFL Space Center and including the World Economic Forum (WEF), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), BryceTech, and the University of Texas at Austin, the rating provides an innovative solution for space operators to support their debris mitigation efforts and increase the sustainability of their missions.

Through a trans-disciplinary and inclusive approach, the SSR aims to encourage mission designs that are compatible with sustainable and responsible operations, as well as on-orbit operations that reduce potential damage to the orbital environment and impact on other operators.

Leading space actors, including us at Stellar, and the Nihon University, Japan as founding members, as well as the Secure World Foundation as association member, have joined the SSR to support this ambition and contribute to the growth of the rating globally.

The SSR will be fully operational in June 2022 and will be featured at the 4th Space Sustainability Summit on 22-23 June organised by the Secure World Foundation (SWF) and the UK Space Agency in London, UK.

All space actors are welcomed to join the SSR.

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