
Stellar introduces STEER, a B2B software for the mobility sector

Stellar introduces STEER, a B2B software for the mobility sector

Bordeaux, France, February 28, 2023 - Two months after having brought into the spotlight its multi-step go-to-market approach, Stellar is ready to formally announce the ongoing development activities of its first B2B software-only product, STEER. While being developed and currently...

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Stellar announces its go-to-market strategy

Stellar announces its go-to-market strategy

Bordeaux, France, January 1, 2023 - Stellar – the newspace company focused on the mobility sector - announces its multi-step approach, designed to meet the needs of the mobility verticals while attuned to the roadmap of its customers. It all...

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Stellar initiates its historical journey towards space sustainability

Stellar initiates its historical journey towards space sustainability

London, June 23, 2022 – Stellar makes history as it receives the World’s first certificate on sustainability in Space, from the SSR entity. The SSR, which stands for Space Sustainability Rating, is an innovative and practical tool to support space...

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METRACOM and Stellar sign partnership for secure private networks

METRACOM and Stellar sign partnership for secure private networks

Paris, June 13, 2022 – METRACOM and Stellar kick-start a strategic partnership in the field of space telecommunication systems for secure private networks. Faced with more frequent threats of devastating weather events, where extreme violence of the elements can cause...

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Stellar is founding member of the Space Sustainability Rating (SSR)

Stellar is founding member of the Space Sustainability Rating (SSR)

April 2022 - The Space Sustainability Rating (SSR) initiative is unveiled, for commencement of operations scheduled for June 2022. The SSR provides a rating and certification system informed by comprehensive, transparent, data-based assessments, as well as actionable guidance to improve...

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